Black Leaf Did Its First Trade Show!

After 5 years of business, Black Leaf has participated in its first trade show. Shoppe Object  is New York's premier home and gift show. As a Black business, I was accepted into the trade show through their Black Lives Matter Action Initiative (BLMAI). This program allowed me to participate for free! They also covered the cost of electricity and furniture. Ultimately all I had to pay for was travel, hotel, shipping my samples and marketing materials, and the wall vinyl. 

With this being my first trade show, I didn't know what to expect. So of course I went overboard. I packed 30-50 samples of each tea blend and had 250 post cards printed. Because if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready! 

Here are some things I learned from my first trade show:

Be product driven! You may have a great story behind your brand, but these are corporate buyers and this is not the farmers market. They want to know what you sell, how many variations are available, what's the wholesale price, what's the MSRP, what's the order minimum.

Be a friend to make a friend. My neighbors where huge contributors to this event being great for me. Everyone was super supportive. I told them it was my first trade show and they gave great advice for this for show and for future trade shows. They checked on me in moments that I was clearly overwhelmed. They definitely come in handy when you need a bathroom lunch break.

Don't get discouraged. One thing many vendors told me was not to get upset if I don't get a lot of traction at the show, because most buyers want to see you at the show a couple of time show. Also most of your orders will come in following weeks.

Be clear on your pricing. I had to turn down 2 people of interest because they only do keystone pricing, meaning they need to purchase wholesale at a minimum 50% discount. As a small, handmade business, I can't do that. It sucked to turn them down, but I also have to run my business and make a profit as well. They were not missed opportunities, they just weren't the right match.

Let them know how to find you! I use Faire for wholesale. I made sure to include a QR code to my Faire Direct link, my website, email, and booth number. While they can make orders on my Shoppe Object page, most buyers use Faire more frequently. Faire also had a messaging board, allows discounts, and you can send email campaigns.

Perspective is everything! An opportunity is an opportunity. I got my first trade show under my belt! That's a huge accomplishment! People saw my booth, loved my branding, and got to take samples home. I made many great connections with buyers and other vendors. You will drive yourself crazy if you allow yourself to sink into disappointment. 

Follow Up! Follow Up! Follow Up! These buyers may love your product and your brand, but they also talked to tons of people in 3 days. Send them a follow up email after the event and follow up again to keep the conversation going so you can land that sale!

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